Welcome to Fran Alt's Bluedenim Ink Linkwell !-- Writers links--Poets links-- Farm Links--Golflinks (very punny)

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

Fran Alt's

Bluedenim Ink


A bottomless drink from the pens of todays great writers/poets


Creamsickle-orange-sticky kids,
grow up floating Grand Marnier
on their Chivas,
spiking boring lives,
with --
Rusty Nails.
Tet'nus anyone?

C 1996 f fasano-alt


If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

When you do a good deed, get a receipt, in case heaven is like the IRS.


Coming up
Colorful POETRY
and even more colorful - stories
Or maybe dribbling?

Tar Beach, NY

Yellow-hot, lemon-ice sun dripping,
dribbling golden rays onto black-tar streets.
Bare feet dodging splashing waves
flowing fire hydrants
hefting H20.
Chorus line kids holding hands, --
holding-up traffic.
Magical rainbow-streaked streams
gushing fountains,
washing cherry-lemon-lime streaks,
dribbling down Italian iced chins.
Surround sound gleeful shrieks and glaring
Cinemascope eyes
Stare down gridlocked drivers, Horns blaring.
Cryogenic tempers dissolve in steaming curses,
"This ain't no damned beach!"

C 1995 f fasano-alt


Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.



If you like shortstories,c'mon into the saloon.
(. . er . . I'm the one behind the bar)

C'mon in *Free Drinx*
Enter The Blue Lagoon Saloon



Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.


This is where you'll find links to some of the best literary sites on the web!!

Come in and meet my

O U R!!

Free Food and Drinx at the Blue Lagoon Saloon

The Saloon's Coctail Lounge webpage was written in 1997. Many, no, most of the links are dead. They are here simply to say,
'thanx for the memory'.


  • Halloween scary!
    'Check out this neat poem left over from the last full moon. . .
    Halloween Playground!!

    The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity

    "A taste of Rhyme"


    NY Fire Department--HOT Tee Shirts!



    Yellow-orange-red sugar maple flames flickering, flurries scurrying in the autumn breeze
    Wildfire leaves racing rampant along suburban streets
    Pitched in piles of burning ember
    Sticks with marshmallows burnt black toasted in the autumn flame

    Yellow-orange-red South Bronx blaze red roaring hungry tongues
    lapping licking up buildings racing across tar roofs sucking up eaves
    Red-racing-screaming four alarm fire engines
    rushing brave-rescuers to hell
    carrying babies - black/ burnt blacker
    toasted in the arson game
    3\896 C 1996 f fasano-alt


    Lately the color of my life is less about farm writing and more about


    This seems the most complicated medical puzzle of the 21st Century.

    AUTISM - the numbers are frightening.

    New CDC figures show one out of every 90 children are born with autism

    most of them boys.

    It is the blackest of nights and the deepest of nightmares and so many little children live there..

    School Trying to Sweep Autistic Child Under the Rug

    My mostly AUTISM Blogs – on life with the Autistic Sky

    Out of the night that covers me
    Black as the pit from pole to pole

    The SKY at midnight might define autism,
    sometimes clear and shining,
    mostly BLACK and cloudy.

    Below is and excerpt from my blog:

    Sky is a flight risk in the autistic diagnoses realm. These kids will take off in a heartbeat.
    The other day we were leaving Chic-fil-A. I put Sky's coat on and Papa went to get some more drink.
    I turned and Sky was gone.
    I glanced in the small play area - no Sky.
    Panic set in as I looked out the window!
    Yes. He was outside!
    In the dark.
    No fear.
    No sense of danger about traffic.
    I ran out the door and down the sidewalk calling his name.
    Begging him to stop.
    He never looked back.
    He was in his 'deaf zone' - walking ahead, stepping-on-and-off the curb, scaring me to death!
    As he neared the roadway, I saw headlights coming from the drive-thru.
    I ran faster, screaming for him to stop.
    Suddenly, Sky saw our van and turned back toward it.
    Relief. I knew he would head for the door near his car seat.
    I scolded him as I put him in the car.
    Wasted words.
    There was no one there to hear me.
    Autistic children are often lost in the tunnel of their own existence.

    The rate of autism increases rapidly. One out of every 150 children is born with autism - most of them boys.

    These are frightening stats.

    My Blogs at MySpace


    A plug for the less famous members of the family...
    model / actress


    And meet Carol's sister, the beautiful plus size model


    You can also check out Walter's fan page.



    How can there be self-help "groups"?
    If someone has a mid-life crises while playing hide & seek, does he automatically lose because he can't find himself?
    If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
    Instead of talking to your plants, if you yelled at them would they still grow, but only to be troubled and insecure?

  • COOL POETRY right here!!!!

    FYI: research causes cancer in rats.

  • Fran Alt's Bluedenim INK--HOT GOLFLINKS*** ***
    Funny thing about golf and Sisyphus, the futility of it all, I guess that's why
    golf and life are synonymous.

    for my editor (in my farming life) Richard - who hates this stuff--

    ?How many guys does it take to unscrew a light bulb?
    To date, no one has been able to find out!


  • ************************************************************

    CAROLINA FARMER Strickland Dairy


    Deja moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.


    **** A Bluedenim INK HOT SITE !!

  • **** FARM -*** Issues and Stories!

  • ********************************************http://magissues.farmprogress.com/SCV/CV04Apr08/scv005.pdf****************

    If you like COOL POETRY stay right here!!!! Great Links Below!!!

    The evil evolution of Unctuous punctuation In a poem.
    The syncopated season that signals Rhyming reason Has reached the Stygian shore.
    Some bratty literati
    Overtly overzealous, Perhaps a wee bit jealous,
    Would be rude enough, To exclude the rough,
    Crude versification,
    The provincial variegation
    Of a natural born poet.
    The soul searching sonnet With the stench of death upon it
    Drawn and quartered, Murdered, Slaughtered,
    Did it breathe a mournful cry, When it was left to die,
    By those savage ravagers?
    Let not your exegesis Eliminate the thesis
    Of some lyrist Educationally unendowed.
    Allow for preservation by Percipient preparation,
    Avoiding hesitation,
    Lest the local lyrist lyrics, Lie in early expiration.
    C 1995 f. fasano-alt

    (Q)How many Windows support staff does it take to change a light bulb?
    (A) Well, we have an exact copy of your bulb here, and it works fine. Did you check your CONFIG.SYS?

    If you like COOL POETRY stay right here!!!! Great Links Below!!!

    Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people is mentally ill. Check three friends. If they're OK? You're it.

    If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.
    Corollary: If you are given a take-home test, you will forget where you live.


    This Internet Writers' Guild site
    is owned by Fran Alt.
    Random Site


    If the facts are on your side.....argue the facts. If the law is on your side.........argue the law. If neither the facts nor the law are on your side........POUND THE TABLE.


    I received this award from the page below. The colors were so right for my site that until recently, I had the award at the top of this page - despite the fact 'amateur' is spelled wrong.

  • Judy Gripton's
    The Amateur Poetry Journal - words from a poet's pen . .


  • My Not HOT Bluedenim INK POETRY Page . . . About Lots of things . . .


  • - MY- dismal poetry Bluedenim INK POETRY>



    A Bluedenim INK website . . .Dazedreamer
    more - POETRY AND STORIES - by moi



    I have these thoughts on being me
    A spirit through eternity
    A soul whose karma must evolve
    A mystery that I must solve

    f. fasano-alt


    Bluedenim INK's Bio Page
  • - Stuff About Me


  • ME ______________________________________________________

    'Check out this neat poem left over from the last full moon. . .
    Halloween Playground!!




  • KELSEY'S Homepage--Little kid hot stuff!
  • Jerry's Alien Page--Wierd hot stuff!



    Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self assured princess happened upon a frog in a pond.

    The frog said to the princess, "I was once a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on me. One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince and then we can marry, move into the castle with my mom and you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children and forever feel happy doing so."

    That night, while the princess dined on frog legs, she kept laughing and saying, "I don't THINK so."

    Welcome to------- Bluedenim INK's ------- new world------Fran Alt - is - Bluedenim INK----------- --- ----------- JAMIE JERRY MAGGIE BETH KELSEY MICHAELA JEN CHRIS ALI BUMP BUBBA NUMBER THREE CHARIS KEVIN BRITANY CECELIA

    Bluedenim INK
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